I never knew there was a plural form of adjectives!
This is better than 4 years of AWAKE!
of course they talk about all the really wacky ones everyone knows about, jones town, charles mason, heaven's gate and branch dravidian.
however if you add up all the unnecessary deaths these cults have contributed too (a thousand and fifty people) it pales in comparison to the number of people who have been directly or indirectly killed my the jehovah's witnesses.
by the way all of the cults mention above are no more, except for the watchtower bible and truck society.. the little ones seem to get all the attention and the big ones just slide on by.. .
I never knew there was a plural form of adjectives!
This is better than 4 years of AWAKE!
in case anyone is looking for a way to watch it, it's on amazon prime video.. (apologies if it's already been mentioned).
Actually, my one criticism of the movie is that there really isn't a whole lot of apostasy in it at all...
"Pardon me - we're British; we'd like a bit more apostasy with our chips, please."
i know that a lot of the people on here have turned their backs on the idea of a deity deciding that god does not exist.
but what about the unseen spirit world generally such as poltergeists, jinns, voodoo, etc.
if you have become agnostic, atheist, or just don't care since leaving, do you think that there are spirits out there or have you decided that is also hokum?
banks create money “out of thin air.”empirical studies have been undertaken to prove this thesis and this is the conclusion:.
in the 5,000 year history of banking, banks have been thought of as “deposit taking institutions which lend money”.. 1. what is the legal reality?
banks don’t take deposits and don’t lend money.the public is under this false impression on purpose because the language of banks is not legal language.. so--what is a “deposit”?a deposit is not actually a deposit.
The question we should be asking is "How can I be more like a bank and less like a schmuck?"
banks create money “out of thin air.”empirical studies have been undertaken to prove this thesis and this is the conclusion:.
in the 5,000 year history of banking, banks have been thought of as “deposit taking institutions which lend money”.. 1. what is the legal reality?
banks don’t take deposits and don’t lend money.the public is under this false impression on purpose because the language of banks is not legal language.. so--what is a “deposit”?a deposit is not actually a deposit.
I believe that there is little, quite possibly NO gold in Fort Knox.
I defy the Federal Reserve Bank - the Monster of Jekyll Island - to submit to an audit and prove me wrong.
"can you serve where the need for kingdom publishers is greater?".
the message of jehovah’s kingdom by christ has already gained grand triumphs throughout the earth because he backs up and blesses the preaching of this “good news” by his witnesses in all the inhabited earth.
Maybe he was one of those Ba'hai-JW-Scientologists one finds at UFO conventions.
"can you serve where the need for kingdom publishers is greater?".
the message of jehovah’s kingdom by christ has already gained grand triumphs throughout the earth because he backs up and blesses the preaching of this “good news” by his witnesses in all the inhabited earth.
How like an arrow through my heart was the calling of my Lord!
Lord, here am I! Send me! Send me!
No larger target could there be Lord!
Send me! Send me!
i've often spoken of my xjw friend and his younger chinese partner.
my friend was kicked out of yhwh's "clean" organisation when he was around 60. .
before he became a witness at around age 17-18, he did appreciate that he was attracted to other guys.
Do you think it might be possible that they could become trinitarians?
There is no gay law against that, is there?
i know that a lot of the people on here have turned their backs on the idea of a deity deciding that god does not exist.
but what about the unseen spirit world generally such as poltergeists, jinns, voodoo, etc.
if you have become agnostic, atheist, or just don't care since leaving, do you think that there are spirits out there or have you decided that is also hokum?
Shamanism has been around for 10s of thousands of years because even ignorant minds want to have an answer to "Why?" so they tell themselves a story.
i know that a lot of the people on here have turned their backs on the idea of a deity deciding that god does not exist.
but what about the unseen spirit world generally such as poltergeists, jinns, voodoo, etc.
if you have become agnostic, atheist, or just don't care since leaving, do you think that there are spirits out there or have you decided that is also hokum?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. You can believe whatever you want but you shouldn't feel slighted if others think you are in error. Someday you may understand why.